Dr. K. Saketh Reddy
MBA, Ph.D.
Hey! I'am Dr. K. Saketh Reddy
He carries academic, research and the industrial experience spanning across diverse organizations of repute. He holds an MBA degree from Bangalore University and has been conferred with a Doctoral degree in management from Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru. He has also completed a course on Innovation and Productivity at University Centre Grimsby, UK. He has published several research papers in National and International journals and also presented in various conferences and seminars organised by several reputed institutions across India. He acted as a resource person for various institutions. Dr. K. Saketh Reddy has published a book on International Marketing and he is a Co- Editor for a book on Sustainable Agriculture in India. He is also a member of Indian Accounting Association. His Research interests include Consumer Behaviour, Neuro Marketing, Retail Management, International Marketing and Entrepreneurship. He has also registered a patent in the UK.